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The Single-Parenting Experience Course

You have made an excellent decision to invest in yourself and this training course. I’m so excited for you. This evidence-based 15-week Theo-educational Single-Parenting Experience course is designed for single parents to improve their knowledge, abilities, skills, and aspirations. You deserve a better quality of life with just a few clicks. You will be on your way to finally live a life you are passionate about. Your decision is the beginning of many positive outcomes, such as walking in the freedom of your authentic self and a renewed parenting role. This is a journey worth taking because it is all about you.

Find Yourself

  • You will be able to discover your identity and purpose. If your identity is defined by a particular job title, how you look, ethnicity, sexual orientation, temperament, or social status, you have ignored the true purpose of your existence.
  • You can develop your character from your core being and clearly communicate your values and self-worth.

  • You will uncover little gems of knowledge, abilities, skills, and aspirations that you overlooked or discounted before.

  • You will learn how to convert your struggle and pain into purpose.

  • Let’s Work Together

    Get in touch so we can start working together.

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