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Ready to Improve Personally to Encourage Nurturing
Group Sessions include:

Self-awareness and Other-oriented

Identity and Purpose

Communication and Character

Decision-making and Problem-solving

Self-care and Soul-care

People do not decide to become extraordinary.

They decide to accomplish extraordinary things.

​~ Sir Edmund Hilary

We take care to provide SUCCESS tools for women in both local and global communities. Services that are personalized for their unique needs.


Stay tuned for upcoming events and REGISTER HERE!

Life is beautiful! But it also can be unpredictable, challenging, and stressful. Most people struggle in their personal lives, relationships, children, activities, and finances. How do we make good choices that lead to peace and abundance rather than stress or regret? With the right information and practice! This holistic process help equips and strengthens each person to experience more of life, bring balance to their life, develop a personal plan for growth, and discover clarity in relationships.  We provide empowerment tools that will assist in moving beyond your fears and courageously pursuing successful living.

We also offer R.I.P.E.N.: The Permissible Fruit For Life, a 12-week educational parenting experience designed for single mothers or young women who want to live a better quality of life before parenthood. We take a holistic approach that encourages self-awareness to improve upon knowledge, abilities, skills, and aspirations. We consider the healing of the whole person—the emotional, social, and spiritual nature of each woman to help them develop to more significant potential. Our program is based on values, is family-oriented, and promote well-balanced, healthy young women to become a valuable contributor to their communities.

R.I.P.E.N., along with other training, provides an alternative program to help not only single-mothers but all of those that are going through situations that may put them at-risk for various reasons.  Regardless of the circumstances, programs will enhance and transform the lives of vulnerable individuals who want a better quality of life or way of living. We endeavor to teach, train, and empower you to step into a new life and leave as responsible individuals pursuing their life’s passion with a clear strategy for stability.

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